Couples mojo:
Igniting Connection, Intimacy, and Passion in Your Couple
Registration Closed
What is Couples Mojo? | Benefits | Why Horses? | Is This for You? |
Logistics | Testimonials | Leaders | Register
What Is Couples Mojo?
This is a four-day, three night workshop designed for couples to build a foundation of trust, connection, communication, and boundaries. It’s held in Apache Springs Arizona, and utilizes the wisdom of horses to open to your own vulnerability and authenticity.
Are you:
Tired of bickering with your partner about chores and money, scheduling, the kids, the house?
Tired of the draining disagreements, the silent treatment, the passive aggressive comments, the arguments that loop and loop and never seem to get resolved?
Want to bring more peace into your relationship—and also, at the same time, get back that “spark” that’s been missing?
Before giving up, breaking up, or calling a divorce lawyer, consider joining us for Couples Mojo in the beautiful Apache Springs Ranch, October 25-28, 2019.
Get your heart and spark back!
Benefits of Couples Mojo
It is not easy taking care of your relationship, while also taking care of yourself. Yet both are equally important if you want a healthy, vibrant relationship.
In Couples Mojo you will have the opportunity to:
Deepen your intimacy and connection
Practice essential couples' communication skills
Cultivate a relationship where each of you grow together, yet thrive as individuals too
Bring greater understanding and clarity to your daily conversations and relationship
Learn how to distinguish between boundaries and walls, and respect and value both
Learn to identify and express your preferences and how to deeply listen to theirs
Discover the powerful learning and fun that can come from playing with the horses!
Experience something different from your traditional couples counseling sessions – couples often report accelerated outcomes compared to individual sessions (though we believe there’s a place for both)
To learn and relate to others in this setting, connecting to the magic of a diverse group of couples.
"I, Danny, as a male, football coach and logical thinker, found Susan and CrisMarie’s style, leadership, and process to be very helpful and engaging. I, Christina, discovered I was able to move out of fear into aliveness, as we were coached through a meaningful dialogue. Together, as a couple working with Susan and CrisMarie, either in Couples programs or reading their book, recognized our distancing patterns in our 30 year marriage. Now, nine years later, married for 39 years, our old unhealthy patterns have broken away. Our agreement to step into our own discomfort to find enriching ways to connect continues to deepened our relationship. Thanks Susan and CrisMarie."
– Danny and Christina Smith
Couples Mojo:
Igniting Connection, Intimacy, and Passion in Your Couple
**Registration Closed - Click below to be notified when registration opens for the next Couples Mojo Retreat**
Why Horses
Let’s talk about horses for a minute. I, Susan Clarke, am an Equus Coach and I partner with horses in most of my coaching practice. Most of this retreat will take place in the loving space of our equine partners and coaches.
We don’t ride the horses during the coaching sessions.
The horses are our guides because:
Horses model vulnerability.
Horses invite vulnerability.
Horses help us see our stories.
Horses offer us a safe place to tell our stories and realize the truth that is, or is not.
Horses invite compassion. Lots of it. Even if we don’t think we deserve it or don’t know how to accept it.
Horses give us excellent feedback on the state of our relationships.

"We have known Susan and CrisMarie for two decades. During this time they have honed unique skills which are brought to the fore in their work with couples. Their persistence in wading into relationship dynamics, naming what appears to be happening (or not happening), and catalyzing folks to dig deep and find new ways of relating, makes their approach both effective and invigorating. They are not for the faint-of-heart: your relationship WILL be impacted through the use of their tools, the benefit of their experience, and the keen-ness of their insights." – Carole Ames and Bill Leutz
Is Couples Mojo Right for Your Relationship?
If any of these statements feel true, Couples Mojo can help:
“I want more intimacy in our relationship. I feel like we’re just roommates.”
“We used to have so much fun together. Nowadays everything is just so… blah.”
“There are certain things I want that my partner is just totally disinterested in.”
“I sometimes wonder if my partner is even attracted to me anymore.”
“I don’t feel attracted to my partner anymore.”
“I’m not sure if we share the same vision of the future anymore.”
“I feel like I’m always irritating my partner just by existing, like somehow everything I do annoys them!”
“We’ve got a few recurring arguments that we can’t ever seem to resolve, like whether to spend the holidays at my parents’ house, or theirs.”
“I feel like I’ve forgotten who I am outside of this relationship. I don’t have very many passions of my own. Everything revolves around us, our life, our home.”
“I usually just go along with whatever my partner wants because it’s just easier that way. I don’t want to upset them.”
“I want life to feel more exciting, more alive, better, just… different.”
“I can’t be myself in my relationship. I’ve just accepted it.”
“There are topics that we just can’t and don’t talk about.”
Those are the kinds of things we hear from our clients. If any of those statements ring true for you, or for your partner, then this book holds some helpful ideas for you.
"CrisMarie and Susan’s willingness to share so authentically provided us with exceptional illustrations of how the tools and concepts they were introducing to us could be used to work through difficult conversations from a place of feelings, values, and committed listening. During the program, as well as, on many occasions since that time, we’ve referred back to those incredibly effective illustrations and tools to work our way through recurring issues in our relationship to a place of mutual understanding, respect, and agreement. We’re so grateful for this solid foundation from which to work in growing our relationship and understanding of one another and look forward to our next chance to connect with and learn from CrisMarie and Susan." –George and Elizabeth McLeod

Couples Mojo Logistics
Experience the Healing Power of Nature
Location: Apache Springs Ranch is nestled in the high-desert wilderness of the Santa Rita Mountains, deep inside the Coronado National Forest in Arizona.
It is ideally suited as a gathering place to reconnect with ourselves, nature and each other. It offers healing and renewal.
Times: We start on Friday 1PM and end on Monday at 1PM.
Lodging: You have luxury accommodations and delicious meals provided
Getting There: You fly into Tucson airport
About Apache Springs Ranch
Apache Springs Ranch is a 160 acre private ranch located inside Arizona’s 500,000 acre Coronado National Forest, bordering the Mount Wrightson Wilderness area.
Apache Springs Ranch is nestled in the high-desert wilderness of the Santa Rita Mountains, deep inside the Coronado National Forest. It is ideally suited as a gathering place to reconnect with ourselves, nature and each other. Groups of 12-30 guests regularly use the ranch as a place to host multi-day events offering healing and renewal.
Immerse yourself in the high-desert wilderness while also enjoying the true comfort of traditional Southern Arizonan accommodations.
"CrisMarie’s and Susan’s compassionate, empathetic, yet direct approach to assisting couples surpassed our expectations. As a same-sex couple, my wife and I appreciated the dynamics and comfort of working with another same-sex couple. Their ability to transcend stereotypes and incorporate inclusivity in a mixed group workshop setting was impressive." – Tara Langley and Lyndia Penner

"CrisMarie and Susan put their relationship on display when they work with couples. In doing so I was able to acquire new learnings in a short period of time. Their ability to deliver the material with such flow and clarity allowed me to comprehend easily and receive new tools for myself that are helpful in my own relationship." – Sam Mak
"This couple knows coupledom! Everything they share is real...full of surprises, rawness, vulnerability and intelligence. We learned a lot in terms of how to get present, slow down, hear each other and own our individual "stuff". A big take away was how to individually take care of ourselves when reacting and we use it! They helped us unearth some deeply held beliefs and feelings that were keeping us distant around some issues. Their ability to laugh at and with each other was so refreshing. Their differences and how they show up in those differences gave us hope that we can do the same." - Jennifer Hilton
"After 19 years into our relationship, we realized that at some point we had become ‘comfortable’. With the stresses that come with owning our own businesses, having a young family, caring for aging parents etc., we found that uneventful and comfortable was acceptable and welcome, until it wasn’t.
Working with you was a complete game changer. Richard and I both agree that one on of the greatest tools we took home was the Check It Out! tool. We communicate for a living. We had no idea that we were entirely ineffective! Checking it out has spared us from many misunderstandings that historically cost us a great deal of wasted time, energy and emotion that often lead to re traumatization.
Thank you both for helping us to find our old ‘we’ in a new way that supports us to be a safe and nourishing place for each other with a newfound passion for our future. If it weren’t for your warmth, wisdom and willingness to share your own authentic and insightful teachable moments, it would not have been so effortless for us to show up in our own vulnerability to dig in and do the work. The two of you are a perfect balance of emotion and practicality met with soulfulness and humor. Each of your styles spoke to Richard and I in different ways and at different times. We both felt represented in your own voices. Thank you." - Tiffany & Richard

Susan Clarke and CrisMarie Campbell have been work and life partners for the last 20 years. Together they run a company called Thrive! Inc. where they offer speaking, coaching, consulting, retreats, workshops, and other services with one goal in mind: to help people realize their potential, and feel happy, healthy, and fully alive. In other words, to help people thrive!
For the last 20 years they’ve specialized in helping leaders, teams, and entire companies learn how transform conflict into creativity, innovation, and profit through their proven step-by-step process—a process honed working with hundreds of leaders and teams. They are authors of the business book: The Beauty of Conflict: Harnessing Your Team’s Competitive Advantage.
For the last decade, they’ve expanded their work from the boardroom to the bedroom, guiding romantic couples through difficult conversations – both big and small. They know that whether on a team at work, or in a marriage, the key to thriving involves knowing how to navigate and use the creative transformational energy of conflict.
Their new book, The Beauty of Conflict for Couples is focused on helping individuals in a couple be a ME in the face of their WE to increase their passion, intimacy, and emotional connection.
Some of their corporate clients include Fortune 100 Companies such as Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, AT&T and Nationwide, as well as, the Gates Foundation, Children’s Hospital, and San Francisco Giants.
They share a pretty extensive résumé of credentials.
Susan has a Masters degree in Applied Behavioral Science and has worked as a family therapist, relationship coach, Equus coach, life coach, and business consultant.
CrisMarie started her career working as an engineer for a major aerospace company. Later, she earned an MBA, and then began working as a coach and consultant for people, teams, and companies who were feeling stuck and craving changes. She also competed in the Olympics, but that’s a whole ‘nother story!
They’ve co-designed and run couples workshops, helping hundreds of couples over the last ten years both in Montana and at a center called The Haven in British Columbia, Canada.
You may think we even “like” conflict since we’ve written a business book on conflict— The Beauty of Conflict: Harnessing Your Team’s Competitive Advantage —and have a TEDx Talk: Conflict—Use It, Don’t Defuse It!
Please know that they’ve got decades of experience helping people to improve all kinds of relationships and get their mojo back—whether it’s sexual mojo, creative mojo, couples mojo, or even business/career mojo.
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Cancellation / Refund Policy
You registered for Retreat, but now you can’t make it? Bummer!
If you’re canceling because you’re dealing with a serious illness / medical crisis, we can give you a refund, switch you into another retreat (if there’s space), or figure out some other arrangement that works for you.
If you’re canceling for ANY OTHER REASON (“I changed my mind,” “I forgot to book my flights in time,” “I feel too nervous to show up,” “I didn’t coordinate childcare,” “My lawn needs to be watered,” etc.)… then, sorry, but you will NOT receive a refund. This is a firm policy. Please don’t register unless you are 100% excited and ready to show up. Otherwise, it’s just a big headache for everyone involved. Thank you!
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