Get Unstuck
Susan Clarke
CrisMarie Campbell
Build Your Mojo
Program Overview
Do you…
Plan to start eating healthier and working out, but then are too tired after work to go to the gym?
Long to move forward on that writing project, but don’t make it happen?
Crave to discover and do the work you love, but stay in the same secure job?
Keep saying you’re going to take a vacation, but don’t take time to plan it so it never happens?
If you are like me, Susan, you may have experienced all of these issues at one time or another.
You may even see yourself as a failure, lacking willpower, or being lazy.
It’s not true!
You do not lack willpower, or competence, or have some fatal flaw that’s responsible for stopping you from moving forward and succeeding – really. You don’t move forward for a good reason. Some part of you is resisting for some good reason and you may not be listening.
So you’re hitting your upper limit.
You’re struggling with owning and opening to your brilliance. You’re unfamiliar or uncomfortable with your increasing velocity, or you’ve resisted using your own brand of genius (or as I call it, Mojo) to get to the next level.
Let’s face it – many of us are wary and afraid of abundance, unlimited possibilities, loving and shining brightly. We think thoughts like:
OMG, if I shine, I may leave people behind
In order to be successful I have to sacrifice … (fill in the blank)
If I succeed, I will fall harder later
If I do go forward, people will be mad and reject me
These are all stories I have had going through my mind. I haven’t gotten rid of them. I know there are some folks that have, but not me.
However, I have discovered ways of letting those stories run without losing my larger connection to source, my unique magic and my mojo!
If you find yourself thinking:
Why can’t I do this?
I must be doing this wrong!
I’m broken and a failure.
I always say I want to do this but then nothing happens. I’m a fraud.
AND You WANT to try something DIFFERENT! -- GET UNSTUCK program IS for YOU!
GET UNSTUCK: Build Your Mojo is a 6-week group coaching program designed to help you accelerate your movement forward on what matters to you most by eliminating the blocks that are getting in your way.
Experience the power and momentum a group provides to help you move forward with your dreams.
Get Unstuck is for you if you:
Say you want to do something, but then something else always gets in the way
Struggle holding onto a vision of what success can look like for you
Think if I commit to doing…., I’ll have to give up….
Mojo is about accessing your unique genius, juice and aliveness that will bring you joy and motivation to get you going on what matters most to you.
Both of us, Susan and CrisMarie, will help you build a path to move forward, break through your action blocks, and experience the joy of taking care of yourself while creating what you want most!
You’ll get:
A path to have a felt-sense connection to, and way to hold onto, your vision
A road map that provides clarity on where you want to go while helping you feel supported and whole in the process. (Without sacrificing!)
Simple, practical tools to break through your action blocks and get you moving forward
Feedback and coaching to help you create what you truly want
Fun and learning while relating to other Mojo seekers – you are not alone!
GET UNSTUCK: Build Your Mojo is the perfect compliment to one-on-one coaching because anything you’re working on in coaching is accelerated when you work in a group.


"Building Your Mojo" was an absolutely amazing experience! I have been at a crossroads in my career and life circumstances for awhile, and this arose at the perfect time in my life. Susan provided a safe place to take an honest look at myself, and her homework gave me concrete tools to address my blocks and limiting beliefs. Showing up weekly with a group of like-minded supportive women held me accountable and helped me discover the layers of what has been holding me back. I am blown away by how much I have learned about myself in only 4 sessions! I am truly thankful to Susan for the opportunity."
Sheri, Physical Education Specialist

"Being physical/staying busy was always my “go to” comfort place for everything…” What I learned in “Building your mojo” is to consider the idea that this exact thing was maybe a crutch and/or distraction and was holding me back from more! Susan’s strategies and reflections had a way of leaving me to want more for myself and to be courageous in checking things out! The various strategies shared will transfer easily in helping me continue this journey and other roadblocks ahead of me. Thank you for your wisdom and caring in helping me reveal parts of who I really am!! It was an honor to be part of your group!"
Anita, Program Manager/Healthy Families Healthy Futures

"Susan skillfully and quickly created a safe space online for me to dig deep into where I hold myself back from moving forward and thriving in my life, with a group of other courageous women. With Susan's guidance I have been able to identify the areas I'm stuck and she has guided me to create a blueprint of ways to move forward.Weekly online meetings encourage accountability for my actions and if I'm not achieving my goals I have been given a chance to examine with out judgement; rather curiosity. Encouragement, support and specific tools to to tap into my own inner wisdom have been very helpful and useful. I have great gratitude to Susan for sharing her honesty, insight and wisdom and her ability to facilitate connection, learning, resilience, self responsibility and personal growth."
Jacqueline, Executive Director

Susan Clarke
What you need to know about me is that I’m amazingly immediate and distractible person, which creates some serious challenges when it comes to meeting deadlines, finishing writing a book, staying with a marketing plan, getting a regular program running consistently.
I usually have too many projects going and miss deadlines that aren’t associated with a real deadline.
I also know some of my biggest dreams and most passionate projects take time. In other words, can’t get done through immediacy. I’ve had to learn how to work with my stuck, distracted and stalled self because that’s what happens when my love of immediacy high-jacks my larger, long-term dreams!
One could say it’s become an area of expertise for me.
I have gotten some big things done! I’ve learned a few important lessons and practical tools that really crack the code of distraction, procrastination and stuckness.
The Get Unstuck: Build Your Mojo program was designed with my love of immediacy in mind. It’s short, focused, and involves group and individual power sessions! These are all-important aspects of what has allowed me to shine and get stuff done.
If you really want to know the specifics of the big stuff I’ve gotten done and why I’m the right person to help you get unstuck - visit my longer bio.
CrisMarie Campbell
What you need to know about me is that I’m a master at making things happen. I’m not trying to brag. My strengths are focus and achieving. Once I align my intention I take the action necessary to cross the finish line.
On the good side that led me to me becoming an Olympian. On the downside, I walked away from the Olympics with a chronic back injury and other physical issues. See, the problem with my strengths is I often override and burn myself out. I give up what matters most, like my body, my hobbies or the people I love.
When Susan designed the Get Unstuck: Build Your Mojo program, I applied the tools to my goals while also learning the art of taking care of myself.
Wow…what a dramatically different outcome! I don’t have to sacrifice myself or what I love to be successful.
I hope you join us for an amazing, brief yet transformational journey to help you Build Your Mojo and get done what matters most to you!
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