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Broken and Beautiful: How Petey A Mustang Opened My heart

Writer: thriveincthriveinc

Mustang – a tough little wild-born, free-roaming horse, often of Spanish blood, that populated the West.

Petey in his new room

Petey is a wild mustang I had the pleasure of meeting when I, Susan, signed up for Koelle’s Simpson’s Mustang Training: Learning from the Masters. The program was a part of my continued training in the world of Equus Coaching. During the program, Petey was my teacher in so many ways. After returning, I had a strong pull to find Petey a home. Of course, I had a touch of desire to be Petey’s owner, but mostly I knew that wasn’t really my calling. Truth is, I didn’t want him to be broken and separated from his natural state of living in the wild with a herd of other horses. Wouldn’t it be great if none of us had to be broken and separated from our more natural, wild, authentic selves? Well maybe and maybe not. I have come to believe broken can be and is quite beautiful. Broken may just be an important part of being human. Back to Petey and My Quest to Find His Home Fortunately, I have a wonderful horse mentor, Bobbi Hall, who has her own magic with all things Equus. Her ranch has thirty horses, and though not living as a wild herd – they are living as close to their natural state as possible. They aren’t just surviving but thriving in her good hands. I also have a dear friend, Andrew Bing, who has taken a shine to Whitefish and horses. So, I put out my desires about Petey, and the universe responded. Petey arrived at Stillwater Horse Whispers Ranch on May 18! (YAY!) Petey will not be my horse. However, there’s something special and deep about my connection with him. It’s about what gets stirred up in me as I have walked this path of working with the horses, tapping me back into my wild side. Since my first workshop with Koelle years ago, I have continued to experience a deep heart opening being around the horses. I have tapped back into my little girl and gifts of hers that I had shut down. I also have found a way of bringing the horses into my work as a Relationship Coach that has opened me up to stepping fully into my own mastery. I do feel blessed to have found Bobbi and Stillwater Horse Whispers Ranch. Bobbi made room for me to grow into my own way of making a space for people to come and experience the powerful relational learning that happens with horses. Just a couple weeks ago CrisMarie and I had a wonderful Find Your Mojo in Montana weekend. We had a great group of women and an awesome team. We’ve created something very special and transformational for the people who join us. Find Your Mojo in Montana helps tap you back into your heart and spark (mojo) – or wild or more natural self. So Petey isn’t really about my work with Equus Coaching, per se. I think Petey is much more about my relationship with myself – my wild and authentic side. Where Petey Came From In the Mustang Training program, we worked with Petey and Max, two wild, untouched mustangs. Max was curious and relatively easy to start relating and developing a bond with us humans. Petey was slower to decide if relating to humans was anything other than dangerous. He didn’t like touch. Nor, a harness. However, he did slowly make his way to connecting when provided patience and compassion. After the program, Kasia, one of the other horse trainers, kept us informed regarding the next steps of the horse’s journey. She shared that Petey, was more demanding of her full attention and patience, without any guarantee he would ever commit to the outcome of being ridden or handled by a human. The Petey in Me Something about that part of Petey’s story touched me very deeply. I have known that place myself. Trust broke down for me very early in my life. There was a time that I was very much like Petey. I was not at all committed to trusting humans, primarily adults. Only I wasn’t ever in the wild, so adapted layers of protective mechanisms that took me far from my authentic, wild side. I became pretty certain anything related to humans was dangerous. During the mustang training, Petey reminded me of times in my life when I had been harnessed and taught to contain and bury my energy, my rage, my enthusiasm. It was far from natural. I touched that wild child during the mustang training. Fortunately, I was provided space to reconnect to both that fierce independence, as well as, the grief about having to conform and fit into a world that didn’t make sense. I do believe that is why I was so drawn to finding Petey a home. I wanted him to have a place where it was possible for him to continue to relate and connect while honoring his natural, wild side. I was given that type of space many years ago when I needed to find a different more honest way to relate and live in this world. I am forever grateful for that gift. As a result, my purpose is to create a space and process to help others connect to their natural, wild, and unique spirit. I am also committed to helping them create relationships that support their natural shine. Let’s be clear, this type of natural relating at times creates sparks, explosions, and reactivity. It’s not a soft, warm, easy path – it requires courage, vulnerability, empathy, and an open heart. Plus, there is no guarantee it’s going to work out. Broken and Beautiful So as I stood amongst my friends this past Saturday, I welcomed Petey and was reminded of the words to one of my new favorite songs – I’m broken and it’s beautiful. If you haven’t listened to it yet, click here to get a taste and some highlights From Find Your Mojo in MT 2019! Listen carefully to the words. It speaks deeply of what it means to be human, to be alive, to embrace the fire, the joy, the grief, and the possibility. As a result of consciously taking this path, we surrender to being broken, and it’s beautiful. Petey will not need to be broken, not in his new home. However, I do hope he’ll decide to surrender and join Bobbi’s herd, and I’ll be able to continue to develop my relationship with him. As for me, I sure as hell know that I am broken AND it’s beautiful!!


Broken and Beautiful: Find Your Mojo in MT 2019 - Highlight Reel

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